The Earth is not an inheritance from our parents if not a loan from our children
We are a forestry and environmental engineering consultancy
01 – Sustainable forest management(+)
Sustainable Forest Management means managing forests to care them, to ensure their continuity, to benefit society with the quantity and quality of products that they provide today, while at the same time managing this renewable resource to ensure that these forests will be available for future generations. Harvesting without overexploitation.
Working the forest at a rate that ensures its health, preventing wildfires, while maintaining its biodiversity, regeneration capacity and ability to fulfil its ecological, social and economic functions.

1.1. Valuation and management of forest resources.
To ensure their continuity in a context of climate change and other threats, such as pests or wildfires, forest areas need to be managed sustainably, integrating environmental/ecosystemic aspects with social, economic and cultural activities. With proper management, it’s possible to generate resilient natural spaces while generating employment, fixing population and improving the quality of life and the integral development of the rural population. Medi XXI GSA’s forestry engineering team has a lot of experience in drafting and assisting managers and landowners in the approval and application of the so-called Technical Instruments for Forest Management (TIFM).
We draw up technical forest management plans (smaller properties) or forest management projects. These tools guarantee the continuity of the forest resource (wood, biomass, mushrooms, aromatic herbs, pasture…) while obtaining environmental, social and economic benefits. We work for both public and private managers and/or owners. We accompany the whole administrative process up to the final approval.

1.2. Environmental restoration. Improvement and adaptation of natural areas.
From the restoration of degraded areas (closed landfills, abandoned areas, areas that have suffered forest fires…) to the renaturalisation of ecosystems for the recovery of environmental value aimed at restoring environmental services, favouring ecotourism or other uses (rewilding – forestry). The environmental engineering team of Medi XXI GSA develops technical assistance to enable companies, municipalities, individuals or organisations to work for the reconstruction of trophic chains with forest management to promote native plant species, introduction of herbivores, natural predators that control populations, … we also eliminate invasive plants (elimination of reedbeds, non-native species…).
Through targeted management, we encourage nature to recover its capacity to manage itself, allowing natural processes to repair and restore degraded landscapes. To obtain social, environmental and/or economic benefits from natural processes with a lower degree of human intervention.

1.3. Forest fire prevention. Preventive and ecohydrological silviculture.
Preventing forest fires is possible. Technically, scenarios can be designed to avoid high intensity fires that can destroy the ecosystem. The Medi XXI GSA team is one of the national and international leaders in forest fire prevention and defence. In 2012 the United Nations awarded our team for the sustainable defence of populated areas in contact with forest areas (Urban-Forest Interface). From extensive livestock farming, to agricultural crops, green firebreaks, prescribed irrigation or silviculture, the whole toolbox we develop is oriented towards the protection of forests and their ecological, social and economic functions.
Silviculture is an applied science that enables the environmental, economic and social management of forest ecosystems to meet the demands of society (lambs and services) without compromising the future of the resource. The main objective of preventive forestry is to avoid the spread of large forest fires. It is a set of techniques aimed at achieving forests with a lower degree of combustibility. In other words, with greater resistance to the spread of fire. The main objective of ecohydrological forestry is water. The infiltration and recovery of hydrological resources. The Medi XXI GSA team with the Universitat Politècnica de València have developed specific techniques and specific projects to generate spaces where forest fires are less virulent and the optimal state of the vegetation favours water resources.

1.4. Own forestry, agricultural and gardening work brigade.
We have our own agroforestry brigade that carries out forestry, agricultural, gardening, restoration of degraded areas, adaptation of recreational areas or prescribed burns with the utmost professionalism and safety. Just as we design projects, we like to implement them.
In addition to specific training for the work we do, we make sure that our people have the best personal protective equipment, vehicles, professional tools, insurance cover for staff, and insurance cover in case we cause damage to others. We work in a professional, responsible and committed manner.

02 – Emergencies and civil protection (+)
Nature protection is in our DNA. And we would like not to have to provide emergency and civil protection services. But unfortunately, the risk to our natural spaces, to animals and plants, to people, is real, and environmental engineering solutions are needed. As a result of our concern for the defense of natural territorial values, more than 15 years ago we started to offer technical assistance and practical training in this field.
The team of men and women that make up Medi XXI GSA offers nature – based engineering solutions associated with forest fire risk mitigation, but also others. Hydrological planning to avoid or minimize damage from floods, windstorms, snowfall, adverse weather events, landslides or other seismic or geological risks. Sensory networks, floods and fires simulation, monitoring and early warning systems or active defense systems are part of our toolbox. We’ve extensive operational and technical expertise to ensure effective civil protection in the event of emergencies.

2.1. WUIProtect. WUI - Forest Fire Defense System.
The jewel in the crown. Our Forest Fire Defense System (known by its acronym WUIProtect) is our own patent that since 2006, when we made the first project, until today, has helped to protect several natural spaces and populated areas. Around a population center (collective version), a building (domestic version) or deployed at the moment of the fire impact (sappers’ version) the SIDEINFO system is a support tool for the Emergency Services in the defense against fire.
From the Canary Islands Government, to the Military Emergency Unit (Spanish Government), the Valencia’s Fire Department of Valencia or the Catalunya’s firefighters, several units have implemented this solution in their operations catalog. This Valencian patent has 4 main lines of action:
- Preventive and self-protection planning: assess the risk, think and design solutions adapted to each scenario, see what to do, how, when and with what resources.
- Preventive forestry and fire-resistant gardening: vegetation management both in the environment of populated areas and gardens. Make the environment of villages and houses a line of defense.
- Infrastructures and sensors: water tanks, SIDEINFO cannons to irrigate the perimeter and the areas to be protected, green firebreaks, monitoring of risk and the effect of prescribed irrigation with wireless sensor networks. Incorporate active defense and response capabilities.
- Education and training: knowing what to do in the face of risk, both so that it doesn’t materialize (prevention) and so that when it does occur, knowing what to do (self-protection). With training actions, we provide knowledge and risk situational awareness.

2.2. Forest fire engineering.
Forestry engineering applies science and technology to forest land management. The sustainability of forest management involves caring for and managing forests, considering them both from the environmental point of view of natural resources and from the social and economic point of view. This includes regeneration, management, sustainable harvesting, pests prevention, fire defense and conservation of forests and its associated forest resources.
We apply forestry engineering for the benefit of society and nature in a sustainable manner. That is why we apply a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified technical personnel (in forestry, environmental, agricultural, biological, geography, cartography…) to propose effective and efficient solutions against forest fires.

2.3. Emergency action. Operational planning.
The applied engineering and the specialization of part of our team in emergencies and civil protection has led us to protect the natural environment and the people who inhabit it with several collaborations with Emergency Services. In addition, we’ve extensive experience in operations planning. Our team is part of the instructors’ staff of the National School of Civil Protection where the Emergency Services of the whole State are trained. We also collaborate with the Military Emergency Unit and Forest Firefighters of several public administrations throughout the territory.
Local Territorial Emergency Plans, Action Plans against the risk of Forest Fires, Action Plans against the risk of Floods, seismic risk, self-protection plans, management of adverse meteorological phenomena… having a plan is essential to face the risks associated with the climatic emergency and reduce its effects. In the face of “cold air-pool” storms, a forest fire or an extreme fanning, it is important to know how to act. To be part of the solution, or part of the problem?

2.4. Specific training.
Planning without adequate training for its implementation is of no effective use in operational terms. Knowing the planning and its functional mechanisms requires simulations and specific training. Whether face-to-face, digital or in the field, we can train teams in different areas of the operational world.
Medi XXI GSA’s team of instructors guarantees effective, practical and high-quality training with examples and applied methodologies based on “serious games” oriented to maximize learning. Sandbox, practice with real fire, water rescue, or use of augmented reality or virtual reality are part of our training toolbox.

2.5. Technical Support Unit.
The Medi XXI GSA team offers its users the possibility of providing technical assistance and support during emergencies. Specialized staff that can be integrated into the Advisory Committee associated with emergency plans under the current regulations on emergencies and civil protection.
From the elaboration of cartography to technical support in the field of communication associated to the emergency, including analysis or meteorological data, the Technical Support Unit of Medi XXI GSA has collaborated with different Emergency Services throughout the territory.
03 – Environmental management and strategic land planning(+)
3.1. Plans, projects, studies, certifications and environmental reports.
.Medi XXI GSA was founded in 2001 by a technical team of restless people who had a clear objective: to work for a more sustainable world. More than 20 years ago those people understood that technique, science and commitment to the values of sustainability were needed to face the challenges that the society of the 21st century would address. And so, it was.
Nowadays, society has started to become aware of the need to face a situation that makes environmental engineering (forestry, agricultural, industrial,…) an essential, transversal and common tool for any serious project. In this sense, our team has developed more than 800 projects throughout its trajectory. Here you can consult some typologies.
- Specialized technical assistance in environmental matters to companies, city councils, associations and individuals.
- Environmental management systems. ISO 9001 and 14001 standards. EMAS regulations.
- Energy efficiency studies. Renewable energies. Biogas. Biomass.
- Local Energy Communities. Technical assistance.
- Integral water cycle. Sustainable use of hydrological resources.
- Solid Urban Waste Management. Collection and management systems.
- Local Waste Management Plans
- Sustainable industrial and agroforestry use.
- Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.
- Strategic Plans for Agricultural Development.
- Municipal Acoustic Plans and Acoustically Saturated Zone.
- Urban Plans of Municipal Action.
- Integrated Environmental Authorizations and Landscape Integration Studies.
- Accreditations and certifications Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture.
- PEFC and FSC accreditations for certified forest products.
- Agri-food sovereignty and food technology.
- Urban gardening and sustainability. Preventive gardening against forest fires (Pyro-gardening).
- Technical-legal advice on environmental matters for companies and individuals. Law 26/2007 on Environmental Responsibility.
- Appraisals, mediation and conflict resolution.

3.2. Green infrastructure.
The creation of habitable spaces has always been a priority for us. We work with people and for people. We work with ecosystems, and for the ecosystem. Emulating natural processes and practicing scrupulous respect for environmental values is an essential part of the way we work.
A green infrastructure is a network of natural and/or naturalized (by human action) areas combined with environmental elements, strategically planned, designed and managed to provide a wide range of ecosystem services. It has its origin in specific European Commission regulations approved in 2013. We design and implement networks of living spaces that improve resilience to climate change, contributing to biodiversity conservation and benefiting people, animals and wildlife by maintaining and improving ecosystem services.

3.3. Sustainable Development Goals. Agenda 2030.
We have been committed to Sustainable Development since 2001, but we are pleased that more and more actors in society are joining this necessary initiative. We help organizations and administrations to achieve it, applied, and we work on strategic documents of the 2030 Agenda. We are starting sustainability from home… What about you?
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, was approved in September 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and establishes a transformative vision towards economic, social and environmental sustainability for the 193 member states of the United Nations that subscribed to it. We already believed in the famous Agendas 21, and we are still working on the development of some. Now, we continue on the path we started, and it is more necessary than ever.

3.4. Public use and management of natural spaces.
Quality public spaces with natural elements that allow their use and enjoyment are one of those works that are pleasant to develop. From the renaturalisation of school playgrounds, to urban orchards, to recreational areas or recreational and sports areas associated with nature. We organize environmental awareness days (tree day, earth day, marshes day…) for the responsible promotion of public use.
We have extensive experience in the management of public use associated with natural and/or urban spaces, as well as tourist infrastructures. The protection of people in case of emergencies and the preservation of the values of natural resources make necessary the development of this type of tools. We also offer services of environmental monitors for nature classrooms, guided tours to natural areas and their technical management.

3.5. Waste management.
Human activity generates waste. The lack of civility and certain structures spreads them in the natural environment. In Medi XXI GSA we are particularly committed to the fight against the Anthropocene. This neologism is used to refer to the carpet of waste associated with a hypothetical new geological era that would have begun with the industrial revolution started in the seventeenth century and is composed of waste that we do not manage.
From the drafting of local waste management plans, to technical assistance for specific problems, to the elimination of landfills or awareness campaigns, our team has been working for many years to generate awareness and actions to fight against this problem. We want a clean Earth. =)

3.6. Sustainable urban mobility.
The OICA is the international organization of automobile manufacturers, and according to their data, the global car fleet is growing steadily. In 2019, it was estimated that there were more than 1.4 billion vehicles (cars and trucks) circulating in the world. The average in America is 0.71 vehicles per person (0.9 in the United States), while in Europe the average drops to 0.52. Behind are South America (0.22), the Middle East (0.18), the Asia-Pacific region (0.14), Africa (0.05) and, to a lesser extent, Antarctica (0.05).
At Medi XXI GSA we are aware of the role that mobility plays in global problems such as Climate Change. That is why we are committed to a transportation model based on sustainability. Cycling, walking, public transport, carpooling … are viable options, and fortunately increasingly common. What is clear to us is that putting nearly 95 million cars on the market every year is not sustainable. We offer technical assistance to design sustainable urban mobility policies. Are you interested?

3.7. Environmental management for companies. Corporate Social Responsibility.
Many times, companies want to be sustainable, but especially the medium or small ones, do not always know how to do it. We offer you more than 20 years of experience in the design of realistic solutions. Being environmentally responsible is economically profitable. We manage Corporate Social Responsibility and design realistic sustainability actions.
Obviously, any change requires investment. Our job is to deliver those changes with maximum efficiency and at the lowest possible cost to make it affordable. Of course, we do not believe in precariousness, so we do not believe in working below our production cost. We are a company, and we have technical and practical knowledge of sustainability. Can we help you?

3.8. Management and monitoring of natural areas.
Throughout these more than 20 years of experience we have had the opportunity to enjoy many natural spaces. Our office on any given day can be a place as special as the one in the picture. Our technical training accredits us as managers of this type of spaces. We have drafted management projects for thousands of hectares throughout the territory and we have actively managed as many as possible.
We also offer services of environmental monitors to manage a nature classroom, or to make guided visits to natural areas. We explain the territory because what you don’t know, you don’t love. And we want everyone to know (and love) what we work to protect… our wonderful natural spaces.

3.9. Sistemes d’informació geogràfica, teledetecció, geomàtica, cartografia digital i gestió de dades ambientals.
Any engineering project involves a large amount of territorial data that must be reflected in the cartography. From detailed plans to landscape scale maps, we work with different geographic information systems for the generation of digital cartography. We use satellite data to control environmental parameters, databases, remote sensing, geomatics… everything that helps us to understand the territory and its processes, and to propose solutions adapted to each territory.
Throughout our professional career we have developed several cartographic tools that allow us to automate processes and reduce project management costs while improving the results of our work. We can make “ad hoc” developments if necessary and incorporate analysis processes with artificial intelligence or machine learning to continuously improve.

04 – Environmental education(+)
Nelson Mandela said that “the most powerful weapon to change the world is education”. We work to educate people, to encourage them to get to know the land, to appreciate and respect it. After all, the land is not only the inheritance of our ancestors. It is a loan from our descendants.
Environmental education brings sustainability values and teaches the importance of caring for the ecosystem that sustains us. Moreover, it must be done in an equitable and economically viable way. To educate from an environmental point of view is to educate in sustainability thinking about the people who come after us.

4.1. Environmental awareness and sensitization campaigns.
The Medi XXI GSA team has successfully designed and implemented several awareness campaigns on water saving, recycling, urban citizenship, sustainable urban mobility, responsible energy consumption….
We also work to raise awareness of natural risks such as forest fires, floods, etc. We try to provide the population with the right “situational awareness”. If we do not understand where we are, and what the risks are, if we do not ask ourselves the right questions, we will not find adequate solutions.

4.2. Education and technical training in the classroom and in the field.
We work training both professionals and the general public. Adults, adolescents or children. And we work both in the classroom and in the field. Our technicians have accumulated thousands of training hours and make learning fun.
Taking people out for a walk-in nature is a good way to explain and practice environmental education. Observing the processes, or the problems, or the solutions… live, you understand everything much better.

4.3. Collaboration with universities and professional associations.
Medi XXI GSA collaborates with many universities and professional associations. We understand collaboration in a symbiotic and synergistic way. Every year we welcome people who are being trained here and in other countries. And we try to enrich each other.
Since 2007 we have welcomed and financially assisted more than 60 students with internship or training contracts with the corresponding economic investment. Working in a network and in a collaborative way is part of our philosophy.

4.4. Environmental communication and public participation plans.
We live in the era of communication. We live in the era of climate emergency. It is necessary to communicate adequately in order to advance in the environmental solutions that society as a whole and each person individually must implement. And this must be done in a participatory manner.
Medi XXI GSA has dedicated a lot of time to environmental education, and to do so we incorporate professionals in the field of communication or social sciences who collaborate with the technical team to design effective campaigns. We also design and implement specific public participation plans associated with territorial planning processes.

05 – Ecotourism and sustainable tourism(+)
In 2019, the total contribution of the tourism sector to the Spanish GDP was close to 154,500 million euros. In relative values, this value represents a contribution to the national GDP of approximately 12.4%. In Valencia, this figure rises to 15.5%. It is therefore an important economic sector… but… what about the impacts of this activity? How can the business be made compatible with the necessary management of natural resources?
Is it possible to make tourism activity compatible with sustainability? In Medi XXI GSA we work to make tourism compatible with sustainability. Public Use Plans, measures for the protection of tourist resources in the territory, campaigns of good practices oriented to visitors… tourism excellence must necessarily integrate sustainability. We offer our services to companies in the tourism and hospitality sector and to Public Administrations at any level of management.

5.1. Sustainable tourism planning.
What is the visitor capacity of a natural area? How many people can visit it during the year without compromising its continuity? How to make economic activity compatible with the preservation of the territorial elements that feed it?
At Medi XXI GSA, we help companies and administrations to develop sustainable tourism plans aimed at making the most of resources without compromising them. Proximity consumption, sustainable means of transport, signage of natural areas with certified materials, high durability and quality material, thematic content, signage with augmented reality, digital signage … we offer solutions for sustainable tourism planning and design. Are you interested?
5.2. Services of monitors, guided routes.
During these more than 20 years of experience and more than 700 environmental projects we have visited many places in fantastic territories. And we also like to talk about it. We can organize activities in the natural environment and provide highly qualified staff to explain them. We also offer the service of monitors to take care of natural spaces and nature classrooms. We like to explain nature, and they say that we are not bad at it.
We have years of experience in the dynamization and accompaniment of routes and activities in the network of Valencian municipal natural sites. Night routes, botanical, cycling routes, fauna and flora observation… Where do you want us to accompany you?

5.3. Rural accommodation and promotion of rural municipalities.
We have a special predilection for the rural world. And for the people who live there. We put urban areas in contact with rural areas, we advise the rural world in everything we can, and we try to bring people to get to know it.
We also work with rural municipalities to help them in their tourism promotion and sustainable development. We put our network of contacts and business relationships at the service of helping those areas that need it. Can we help you?

5.4. Aerial photography and videography.
Everything looks better from a bird’s eye view. Medi XXI GSA has a certified fleet of drones to generate photography and videography for different uses. From strategic territorial planning to tourism promotion, our pilots obtain high-definition graphic material that helps to better understand the territory.
From monitoring a crack in a monument, to getting shots of the dome of the church of the village to a flight along the coast or over the bridge that crosses the river, our unmanned aircraft allow us to capture unique images. We are a certified operator by the Spanish Aviation Safety Agency (AESA). Our pilots are formally accredited and we have all the insurances and guarantees for a safe flight.

06 – Digitalization and technological solutions(+)
In the 21st century, technology has become an essential tool in many fields, especially in training and engineering. Our technological side and our concern to be always up to date with what is happening in the world in order to offer the best possible solutions has helped us to develop technological solutions adapted to each situation.
From 3D modeling of objects on demand for inclusion in augmented reality platforms (e.g. digital tourist signage) to specific training developments, the Medi XXI GSA team and its professional network offer solutions for quality digitization adapted to every budget.
6.1. Metaverse, augmented reality and virtual reality applied to environmental education or emergencies
Medi XXI GSA develops in collaboration with its professional network tools for the training of different audiences (municipalities, neighborhood associations, various professionals…) and for, for example, signaling tourist itineraries within the village without the need to put at each point a physical sign or an interpretation panel.
The extended realities are an opportunity to innovate in the way of presenting training content or products of any company, reducing the carbon footprint and generating a technological, sustainable and, why not, fun solution. Our team is committed to serious games as a 21st century way of learning. Are you interested?
6.2. Virtual immersion with the intention of generating impact on the risk perception of different groups.
Specifically, we develop content to explain natural risks, the impact of climate change, or the reason for forest fires using immersive environments. The use of immersive technology helps in the pedagogical objectives, especially with the youngest.
We also incorporate virtual training for professionals with immersive environments adapted to each operational scale to train people working in emergency services. With “serious games” we achieve good training results.
6.3. Applications for environmental management.
We develop applications adapted to each business model to assess the effectiveness rate of the environmental management of companies, organizations, families or individuals. We work with professionals in programming, design or telecommunications engineering to find solutions adapted to each reality.
Technology at the service of environmental management as a tool to fight against the challenges that the 21st century society has to face. Do you want us to program something for you?
07 – Organic food production and food sovereignty(+)
Producing healthy food while respecting the natural environment and business ethics. Food sovereignty is a key element and a challenge today. Produce without polluting, respecting and benefiting the producers, those who cultivate our rural areas and, of course, those who consume these products.
With this agroecological philosophy, Medi XXI GSA seeks to achieve a fairer and more egalitarian society. Biodiversity, protection and shelter of fauna and flora, low environmental impact techniques or energy consumption and traditional varieties, traceability, EBC certification, fresh produce, minimal packaging… Do you want to move to the #Eco side of food production? Can we help you?

7.1. Advice, certification and training in organic agriculture and livestock farming. Food sovereignty.
From Medi XXI GSA we work with different Organic Agriculture Committees, producers of different products and the Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture. We can advise you in the process of conversion from conventional to organic.
And when the time comes, we can help you with the certification of your products. A healthier food production and a progression towards food sovereignty is not only possible, but, despite the difficulties of the sector, it is necessary. Can we help you?

7.2. Workshops and training in agriculture, livestock farming and organic food.
The basis for the primary sector to regain the importance it should never have lost is to raise awareness of the need to produce food without poisoning ourselves or the natural environment.
We train professionals, companies and, above all, schoolchildren in organic food. Eating well and organic is to live better and more sustainably. Medi XXI GSA has been working for more than 20 years to offer agriculture, livestock and food based on respect for the environment, the protection of producers and quality.

08 – Renewable energies(+)
The sun provides us with all the energy we need. We only have to take it. In spite of this, we have consumed fossil fuels and wasted energy endangering the balances that make our planet habitable. We started with renewables more than 15 years ago, and now we are more convinced than ever that it was the right choice.
From bringing energy to places where power lines do not reach, to the electrification of remote weather stations, we have had to work in different areas with renewable energies (solar photovoltaic, biogas, biomass, thermal, wind, …). Do you need us to help you save and see what steps you need to take to gain energy sovereignty?

8.1. Energy efficiency projects
The first step of any transition to renewable energy necessarily involves energy efficiency. From Medi XXI GSA we can prepare an audit to make your company or your business more efficient.
Our team can advise you on which companies are the most interesting and put you in contact with quality installers. We can also help you with the legalization of your installations. You will be more sustainable, and you will save money. What more could you ask for?
8.2. Renewable Energy Installation Projects.
Are you tired of paying the electricity companies, but you don’t know how to make a transition to renewable energies? The Medi XXI GSA team has been designing environmental engineering projects for more than 20 years and we can help you. We offer technical office service for the drafting of technical documentation and its processing.
Know if your roof is ready for installation, see where is the nearest connection point, how much power you have to install … we can accompany you in the process and help you save money, generating a benefit for the planet. Do you want?

8.3. Training on renewable energies.
If you are still not clear about renewable energies, we can help you. The training we provide on renewable energies is developed by people with more than 20 years in the renewable energy sector, who will tell you about the advantages, but also the disadvantages. To design realistic plans for the transition to renewables, we need to know how they work.
From the difference between the various types to how to disconnect from the grid, whether it is interesting or not, or how much the project may cost, and how long it takes to amortize it, the Medi XXI GSA team can answer your questions about renewables. Do you want us to help you?

8.4. Technical assistance to Local Energy Communities.
Do you know what a Local Energy Community (CEL) is? Basically, it is a model of shared self-consumption of electricity from renewable energy facilities that generates energy for all members of a community or even in the town where it is located.
It is an association, cooperative, society, non-profit organization or other legal entity that is controlled by local shareholders or members who produce their energy, and market it. If you are interested, with your friends, your school, the people in your building, we can help you with technical assistance.
09 – Integral water cycle(+)
At Medi XXI GSA we know a lot about water. We know where it comes from, from forests and mountains. We know its paths, through rivers, ravines and streams. We know that it is basic for life. And we know it waters our food. We know it helps us quench our thirst, and put out forest fires. We know how to treat it so that it recovers when it spoils. We know it helps us care for the plants that care for us….
For all this and much more, the Medi XXI GSA team works to take care of water. From hydrological forest restoration projects to recover watersheds to audits aimed at improving distribution networks, purification, or the creation of artificial lagoons or storm tanks, the efficient management of the most important resource for life is one of our priorities.